Being on top of your game is worth it! 

Whether it is a big or small gathering, it’s all about the details because at the end of the day, trends do matter. How I like to think about it, is to feel the trends coming. I will give you a few hints on how you can predict and incorporate hot new event trends. 

Personalization and Engagement

If you’re not making the event all about your guests, then you should start doing so tomorrow. Personalization is one of the top event trends this year, whether it’s brand identity on cupcakes and decor, or having a special aspect in the event to symbolize and celebrate an employee.

This will make your event stand out by making your attendees feel a part of something great and unique. And the fun part, we get to use AI to calculate it, so we can tailor the event to individual preferences using behavioral data.

Sustainability in Event Planning

While I have previously discussed sustainability in event planning, I realize I haven’t emphasized enough how it impacts your image. It would be unwise not to have switched or at least tried to adopt greener practices like going paperless at your events, such as conferences which in the past have had a lot of printed materials. In today’s society, it’s very easy to be criticized or “canceled” for not being eco-conscious.

We have only one planet, and prioritizing its wellbeing is crucial, so future generations can enjoy a green world as we have. If you think it’s too late to make a change, you’re mistaken. It’s never too late to change, and every effort counts. Being socially responsible is more important than ever!

Audience Dynamics

As I mentioned in the intro, genres of music are very nostalgic and fun for some of us, but unless it’s trending with some cool remix, don’t bother playing it. Your dance floor will look like a bowling alley! Rather, find a middle ground.

It’s very important to acknowledge and accept younger generations stepping into corporate or leadership roles. You want them to feel included and hyped to be among people who vibe with them. Remember, they are our present and future connections, and no one is too little or unimportant to be considered in an event all about boosting morale, for example. So, focus on strategies to spike the interest of the younger generations too, and see how it all blends beautifully with a diverse crowd.

Innovative Event Formats

Be creative, I have noticed many other event planners really push their limits with amazing event themes and event activation. For example, I loved the immersive underwater theme by Scarlett Entertainment. What an amazing concept; having your guests “underwater” with ocean decor and sharks. How can you not love it! Another theme I have noted is DIY activations in which incorporate the  colour of the year PANTONE 13-1023 Peach Fuzz. This color is all about nurturing, compassion and comfort with a focus on self care. A wellness corner or breakout room designed in the relaxing Peach Fuzz color is all the rage. You can even go so far as to include a bowl of fresh peaches!

One more thing that may not be one of the hottest event trends this year, but I had to bring it up, is ice masterpieces. Whether right at the entrance or in the middle of the event, they always get people buzzing. At one of our recent events we had an ice carver designing the sculpture live so guests could see the creation come to life in real time. It was a show stopper!

In other words, a little element of surprise or awe is the way to leave an impression and a lasting memory like, “Yes, I remember that event; they had a massive replica of the Eiffel Tower right in the middle of the dance floor, so cool!

Lastly, unique event venues – nothing else can beat an original, innovative approach that steps outside the traditional event bible by throwing an amazing party in more unconventional locations, like a train station.

Content and Community

Post, post, post! In such a digital age, publishing your milestones, aka events, is the best way to engage with the community and be noise-makers. We are here and we’re here to serve!

Don’t be shy to celebrate your wins and let your work community know about your new accolades. Share a nomination, celebrate a promotion but don’t forget to be a cheerleader for others. Connecting is as important as sharing your news.

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