The short answer is yes. Here is a fictional story to convince you why you should hire an Event Expert to help.

I remember the exact minute I knew my event was spiraling downward, heading for disaster. I had tried to cut corners on staffing costs and hired volunteers to set up the floor plan and run the registration table. This was a huge mistake.

It is now 30 minutes before the doors open, and we have no guest seating set up and haven’t even placed a single decor piece yet. The caterers are struggling to set up their back-of-house area and have discovered that they don’t have enough power for their convection ovens. They are telling me that they won’t be ready on time now because of this setback.

What should I do? Should I hold everyone in the reception area to give us more time to get ready? Or do I just let everyone roam around as we set up?

I am so mad at myself now that I didn’t invest in an event expert to guide me toward a flawless event.

This scenario might resonate with many who have felt like everything was falling apart in mere seconds, with continuous self-blaming and plenty of questions about why and how everything went wrong.

The key is to learn from our mistakes. Yes, even the greatest event planners made some errors on the way to success, and that is why I am writing this blog to help you avoid them.

So, let’s break down what went wrong with this event.

Efficient Staffing: Why Event Experts Matter

This practice can bite you in the long run. When managing a small budget, some elements will be prioritized over others while also finding ways to cut costs. So, what went wrong with the staff? Let me explain.

Having volunteers is a great alternative to paid staff, as they are less expensive, but it comes with a warning label. If staff are untrained or just thrown into the event hall, this doesn’t guarantee that they will magically know how an event runs. Think of it this way – you hired a bunch of inexperienced personnel and expected them to perform as if they had 10 years in the industry.

Instead, consider having an Event Consultant come into the office and train your volunteers & staff so at least that the staff knows how the fundamentals of the event.  Avoid having to depend on volunteers to figure out what you yourself don’t know how to plan, such as the floor plan and running the registration table.

Organizational Excellence: The Role of Event Experts

The last thing you want is to stress out 30 minutes before the guests arrive with no decor or seating setup in place. Worse, good time management means this should have been ready at least four hours before the event, not at the last minute. I understand that events are stressful, and sometimes it is almost too easy to forget the simplest steps.

And certainly, I would be guilty of lying if I said I have never experienced this situation myself, but that’s why it’s so important to have a second pair of eyes to spot any problem spots you may have missed. Even if it’s just a little decor on the table, having someone with plenty of experience to aid with the organization aspect of your event is always a must.

The Caterer’s Secret: Leveraging Event Expert Networks

Knowing good caterers can change your event from a zero to a thousand. In our case study above, these caterers were unprepared, and as a result, it caused the event to be delayed because the food wasn’t ready while the guests were already arriving. To avoid situations like this, having someone with extensive networking and experience working with various caterers can be a lifesaver.

Not only will they know what the caterers need at the event, they will know whom you should hire and who is truly worth your money and the experience they bring. Also, another aspect that tends to be neglected is dietary needs. You need to make sure that all your attendees can enjoy themselves with delicious options, no exceptions!

Event Experts Bring Confidence

No one judges as harshly as we do ourselves, and this might cloud our thought process while trying to save the event. I know that feeling too well myself, when everything goes wrong, and it all feels like it’s my fault. Nevertheless, don’t add more fuel to the fire.

Try to get some fresh air or at least take a moment before trying to salvage the event. Better yet, avoid any risks of failure by having an Event Consultant perform an event audit to identify issues before they arise. Compose a Risk Assessment Plan as well as ROI studies,  as this documentation is invaluable to successful events.

Lack of a Plan B

Yes, in the perfect dream event where everything is almost too smooth to fail, you still need to have a plan B! Whether it’s the venue, entertainment, or caterers, all can cancel in seconds if you are not careful. This does happen and happens more often than you think.

So, having an Event Consultant sit with you and craft a strategy for emergencies ensures that your event is covered. Don’t end up like the event in the case study where everything went wrong, and the guests had a sub par experience to talk about at the water cooler.

Hypothetically, I could go on and on about the nitty-gritty of why and how an Event Consultant can save you from troubles. But the short story is that you do need one when you are planning an event.

Spending a little extra on a professional to ensure your event’s quality isn’t a bad investment at all. On the contrary, it can save you money, reputation, and much more. So now you  know who to book—click here for a consultation.

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